You have the right to a safe abortion

You have the right to decide freely if and when you have children. This also includes the right to access abortion in a timely, barrier-free and respectful manner. No one may harm you or put you under any pressure. You are the one who knows best what to do and what your life circumstances are. However, women in Slovakia face many obstacles in accessing abortion care.

Practical information


You can get an abortion on request or on medical grounds up to the 12th week of pregnancy in Slovakia. After that, it is only possible if the woman’s life is in danger, if the foetus is not viable or if it is severely damaged. The beginning of the pregnancy is dated from the first day of the last menstrual period. Therefore, in reality, you have less than 12 weeks. In addition, you also have to expect a 48-hour waiting period after you undergo counselling by the doctor. This medically unjustified delay may cause that you cannot have an abortion within the legal time period. Girls younger than 16 years need a consent of a parent or legal guardian. Parents of girls aged between 16 and 18 will be informed by the health facility.


The Regulation of the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic sets the maximum price for an abortion at 248.95 EUR. The price is not always
respected and the information on what is and what is not included in the price is often not available. For example, the fees for pre-operative examination, filling out an application form, or for a bed per day increased the price. Therefore, please request information about the total price in advance. If you don’t have sufficient funds, we will provide you with advice on possible financing options.


In Slovakia, only the surgical form of abortion is available at the moment, not the medical form.

Support line

If you need information or advice on reproductive health, particularly on the provision of safe abortion, please contact our support line.

Call us to number

 +421 910 350 444 

or send an e-mail to 

List of facilities where abortion is performed

Ak chcete zobraziť mapy Google, prijmite súbory cookie.
Facility Address City Phone Type
Fakultná nemocnica Nitra Špitálska 6 950 01 Nitra 037/6545303 public
Fakultná nemocnica s poliklinikou F.D.Roosvelta Námestie Ludvíka Svobodu 1 975 17 Banská Bystrica 048/4411111 public
Fakultná nemocnica s poliklinikou Žilina Vojtecha Spanyola 43 012 07 Žilina 041/5110376 public
Fakultná nemocnica Trenčín Legionárska 594/28 911 01 Trenčín 032/6566240 public
GPN – KOCH, private gynekologicko-pôrodnícka nemocnica Partizánska 1267/27 811 03 Bratislava 02/54640061 private
GPN – KOCH, private gynekologicko-pôrodnícka nemocnica Ružinovská 4813/10 821 01 Bratislava – Ružinov 02/43631709 private
Interklinik (GYN) s.r.o. Einsteinova 7 851 01 Bratislava – Petržalka 02/68 230 950 private
Liptovská nemocnica s poliklinikou MUDr. Ivana Stodolu Liptovský Mikuláš Palúčanská 25 031 23 Liptovský Mikuláš-Palúdzka 044/5563291 public
Nemocnica AGEL Komárno a.s. Mederčská 39 945 01 Komárno 035/79 07 133 private
Nemocnica AGEL Košice-Šaca a.s. Lúčna 57 040 15 Košice – Šaca 055/7234 214 private
Nemocnica AGEL Levice s.r.o. SNP 19 934 01 Levice 036/63 79 631 private
Nemocnica AGEL Zvolen Kuzmányho nábrežie 28 960 01 Zvolen 045/5201664 private
Nemocnica Alexandra Wintera, Piešťany Winterova 66 921 01 Piešťany 033/7955240 public
Nemocnica Poprad a.s. Banícka 803 058 01 Poprad 052/7125426 private
Nemocnica s poliklinikou Dunajská Streda a.s. Veľkoblahovská cesta 23 929 01 Dunajská Streda 031/5571324 private
Nemocnica s poliklinikou Ilava Štúrova 3 019 01 Ilava 042/4667224 private
Nemocnica s poliklinikou Myjava Staromyjavská 712 907 01 Myjava 034/6979154 public
Nemocnica s poliklinikou Spišská Nová Ves Jána Janského 1 052 01 Spišská Nová Ves 053/4199379 private
Nemocnica s poliklinikou sv. Barbory (Penta Hospitals) Špitálska 1 048 01 Rožňava 058/7771239 private
Nemocnica s poliklinikou Štefana Kukuru Michalovce a.s. Špitálska 2 071 01 Michalovce 056/6416819 private
Nemocnica Topoľčany a.s. Pavlovova 17 955 20 Topoľčany 038/38 24 473 private
NsP Prievidza, so sídlom v Bojniciach Nemocničná 581 972 01 Bojnice 046/5112247 private
private klinika jednodňovej chirurgie Mediklinik Pri Tureckom Kopci 5 900 46 Most pri Bratislave 0915 547 097 private
private klinika jednodňovej chirurgie Mediklinik Ulica 29. augusta 2 934 01 Levice 0903 463 425 private
Univerzitná nemocnica Bratislava – Ružinov Ružinovská 4810/6 821 01 Bratislava 02/48236764 public
Univerzitná nemocnica Bratislava sv. Cyrila a Metoda – Antolská Antolská 11 851 07 Bratislava – Petržalka 02/68672619 public
Univerzitná nemocnica L. Pasteura Trieda SNP 1 040 11 Košice – Západ 055/6403617 public
Univerzitná nemocnica Martin Kollárova 2 036 01 Martin 043/4203591 public
Všeobecná nemocnica s poliklinikou Lučenec n.o. Námestie Republiky 2373/15 984 01 Lučenec 047/4311627 private

Facts about abortion*

  • Abortion is one of the safest medical procedures if it is done correctly – performed by trained staff, under hygienic conditions and using appropriate medical techniques and medications.
  • Most women who get a professionally performed abortion do not suffer any lasting health and reproductive health consequences.
  • Abortion does not increase the risk of breast cancer.
  • An abortion that was carried out without any complications does not reduce your chances of getting pregnant in the future. There is no proven link between abortion and subsequent infertility.
  • Abortion does not lead to serious mental health problems. Negative mental health consequences occur in very few cases and are rather a continuation of pre-existing mental health problems.

* These facts are based on the findings and statements of authorities such as the World Health Organisation (WHO), the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) and the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland